05 September 2009

The Last Time

Same aromatic smells, bustling sounds
Foreign taste, our special place
Nothing much changed
Since the last time

We shared a war zone then
Now we meet, the uneasy peace
An awkward kiss
Not like the last time

Blackout curtains, darkness, silence
Save the sirens wail, bombs overhead
Your gun and bullets under the bed
Afraid it was the last time

Precious moments seeking comfort
Not straying from the other’s arms
As one, afraid to sleep alone
Maybe for the last time

Then it happened, your call to serve
And mine, get out, go home
On my own two thousand miles
That was the last time

I wait for news, no email then
Not knowing if you survived
Years pass, by chance I find you
Here, like the last time

But, I’m not that same young girl
And you, my soldier of principle
Our lives and ideals now worlds apart
Far from the last time

We’ve changed, no going back
We’re not the same
We reminisce, a final kiss
For the last time

© 2006 ann raven